.A pioneer and market leader, PT. Megah Megalon Industries (Megalon) has become the leading brand name for high quality interlinings in Indonesia and abroad.
Megalon was established in October 1980 at a time when the consumption of garment interlinings in Indonesia was almost exclusively imported. Barely a year after its founding, Megalon began to fulfill the crucial need for non-woven interlinings in the local market and replaced these imported products. Within a decade, Megalon has become Indonesia’s largest manufacturer of woven and non-woven interlinings, catering to both domestic and foreign markets.
Megalon attributes its success among other things to its strong work ethics, highly skilled and experienced workforce and a steadfast commitment to quality products and service excellence. Today, with fully expanded, modern production facilities, a broad and extensive customer base, and the prospect of Indonesia’s economic revival around the corner, Megalon is poised for its next phase of growth in the coming new millennium.
Jl. Raya Narogong KM. 25,5 No. 10 Desa Kelapa Nunggal, Cileungsi, Bogor Indonesia
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