M Cash is a lifestyle platform developed to help people simplifying their daily life and to help stakeholders by distributing and selling physical and digital contents. Integrated business model to maximize value throughout our O2O platform, application and sustainable IOT with advanced technology platform to upscale our partner’s business and provide user convenience for customers
A provider of innovative digital self kiosk and IT solution services, offering such diverse digital products as mobile and token top ups, multibillers, travel bookings, e-tickets and other digital vouchers. Our foothold within the industry is to establish ourselves as digital distribution providers and technology enablers.
All Company distribution channels offer a variety of digital products and services necessary in daily life for Indonesians. These include the payment of routine bills and installments,the purchase of internet data packages, the purchase and top-up of e-money, e-Vouchers/tickets/restaurants and many more.
However, given that the development of digital products and services in Indonesia has yet to become full-fledged and server-based, chip-based digital product distribution,such as SIM cards and e-money, remains laden with serious distribution issues.
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